This newsletter comes to you from Singapore where we have spent the past week attending OMF’s New Leaders’ Introductory course. Its been a great week and we return to Thailand feeling challenged and enthusiastic about applying the things we learned here.
We also had a wonderful opportunity to touch base with Steve and Jenny Murphy, South Africans working and ministering in Singapore. The photo above was taken at the Yacht Club where they took us for a “braai”.

Earlier last month Nick also attended a conference in Chiang Mai on Buddhism. The focus of this conference was using narrative to preach the gospel in oral cultures. Nick was able to put what he had learned into practice by preaching, using stories, two Sundays ago.
The land transfer for In Grace Church has finally gone through, but we were a bit worried to find out afterwards that the previous owner had buried some family members on the land – at a time when it was still legal to bury people on private property. Pastor Isara received assurances that the bones had been removed some time ago, but we found, in the undergrowth, what appeared to be a gravestone on top of a grave that had clearly not been disturbed. So, armed with spades and machetes Nick and Pastor Isara cleared the area and hunted for skeletons – not something that Bible College or the pastorate ever equipped them for. We are relieved to say that there were no dry bones to be found and it turns out that the “gravestone” was merely an old, but elaborate, spirit house.
Thai folk are notoriously superstitious and so we haven’t told too many people that there were graves on the land – not too sure how well that news will go down, even amongst the church members!
On a more spiritual note, two weeks ago, we had a time of prayer on the new site, dedicating it to the Lord (see photo below). Building will not commence in the foreseeable future, and for now we will be renting at the OMF Mekong Centre in an effort to cut costs.

Trish and baby Bekker 3 are doing well. We still don’t know the sex of our next baby – hopefully the next scan will reveal all.
Coming up, we have a short visit from Andy Sieberhagen, whom many of you know. Nick is optimistic about finding time for a game of golf!
Then, as mentioned in our last newsletter, we have to attend what is known as a Pre-Home Assignment Workshop (PHAW) to prepare us for the shock and horror of returning home. This course runs at the end of this month. After all this training, we are anticipating being very learned and wise!
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