If there's one thing I detest with a passion, its being ripped off. It's bad enough when you find out after the event that you were ripped, but its even worse when the rip-off is so blatant that you can see it happening right before your eyes. Most of the worst and most blatant rip-offs and attempted rip-offs, that have been perpetrated on me, have been by Bangkok taxi drivers. These fellows are in a league of their own. I admit that it is unfair to tar them all with the same brush, there are, no doubt, some really upstanding guys out there, but on the whole, they are a fairly scaly bunch. Let me relate my two latest experiences;
I arrived at Bangkok international airport this morning and caught a taxi into town. The taxi driver tried to get me to agree to a fixed fee of 300 Baht. I politely declined and insisted that he turn on the meter. Fortunately, he did not push the issue and I arrived at my destination with the meter sitting on 205 Baht. This was clearly an attempted rip-off and I don't know why he even tried - was it because I am a foreigner? Would he have tried the same trick on a Thai man?

Now, its clear to me right from the outset, that this fellow has no idea where I want him to take me. He keeps mentioning places that I have not heard of and I keep telling him which highway to take and which off-ramp and near which temple my destination is. I give him street names, but he still has no clue. I tell him not to worry, that I know exactly where it is and will direct him as we go. So we're going along the freeway on our way home when he decides that he wants to take the next off-ramp, which is one before mine. I ask him to please keep going, that my offramp is the next one and it is literally 3 minutes away at his current speed. He refuses, takes the wrong off-ramp and starts ranting and raving about how I told him that this was where I wanted to go. I tell him that he has just squandered his fare and that he must stop so that I can get out. At this stage the situation escalates to a loud screaming match. He refuses to stop, but says that he's going back to where he picked me up from (20 kms back). He is so irate that he tries to drive up the wrong way on another freeway off-ramp. I'm in the back, threatening to call the police because he's ripping me off and I'm telling him that he's not doing his karma any good. Eventually, still speaking in very raised voices, we agree that he would take me to the old Bangkok airport, which was further than he would have had to go had he just carried on on the freeway as I had asked him.

So what lessons do I take away from this? Don't trust taxi drivers? Give very detailed instructions with names and numbers of offramps and streets and suburbs? Use only those taxi's that are prepared to turn on their meters, even if it means taking a bit longer to find a guy honest enough to do it? I don't know. I just know that right now I'm feeling a little jaded, but I'm sure I'll be alright in the morning:-)
Very cool blog. I'm going to be heading to South Africa on a missions trip in a couple of weeks and came across your blog. God bless!
Your story made me smile as I can relate to your taxi driver stories! I see them as a test in patience and grace although I feel I'm not getting a passing grade. Here some of my documented taxi ripoffs in Istanbul
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